Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Back to the hugs for a minute...

This weekend we accomplished a TON. Got a Christmas tree, decorated said Christmas tree, bought some gifts, hung out with Emmett's grandma, met friends for lunch, saw Santa, and busted up Emmett's nose.

Yes, you read correctly.

Emmett is now the proud owner of the Baby Roethlisberger nose. It's not broken like Big Ben's, but it looks just as sore. We were on our way to go see Santa. Emmett wanted to take a little walk as we waited for daddy. I saw him fall but thought nothing of it--he's 1. He falls all the time. It looked like a regulation fall to me, but I guess I didn't get the angle right because when he started crying...there was blood. Poor little guy bit his lip. It was big and puffy and quite honestly, ugly.

Little did we know that hours later this sidewalk burn would blossom into a full Rudolph!

(me and Emmett in our Steeler gear--thanks, Grams!)
 See how sad Emmett is? He needs some Christmas Spirit (My lovely
friend Angela was nice enoughto Photoshop out the red nose)
Fat lip--poor guy!

Cookies are coming--I have two cookie exchanges coming up, so I'll be sure to get some cookies up here soon!


  1. LOVE these family shots! You guys look great! Even the poor little man... but I am proud that he took a bruisin' and kept on cruisin'!

  2. He looks good, except for that horrible horrible Steelers gear. THAT seems abusive.
